The following surnames are listed in the Neepawa 1891 census. Please query me if you want a lookup. I'm still missing a page or two but have nearly all of it now. Also, besides the typos I might make here, the census is not that easy to read and may have erros because I couldn't decipher it very well---never mind the creativity which spurred the census taker!
Adams, Adams-Lyons, Allport,Anderson, Angraive (?), Argue, Armstrong,
Attwood, Averich, Aylwin
Baker, Barr, Beamish, Belford, Bessner, Betts, Black, Blackmoor, Blotsome,
Boice, bonnet, Boyd, Boyle, Braidner, Brown, Bryce, Buchanan, Buck, Burkell,
Busby, Butledge
Campbell, Camson, Card, Carter, Caswell,Cathers, Chahnesi, Chatwin,
Clare, Clark, Coats, Coine, Cole, Colter (?), Coulter, Countaw (?), Covernlock,
Cowan, Crawford, Cumming, Cunningham, Currie, Curtis, Cuverly
Dalton, Darling, Davidson, Denbeigh, Desbrisay, Dickson, Donaldson,
Drost, Ducklo(?), Ducklow, Dunlife, Dunlop, Dunwoodey, Dutton
Edmiston, Edwards, Elliott, Ennis, Ewer
Farrel, Farrell, Fieldhouse, Findley, Fortune, Fowler, Fraser, Frieland,
Fulton, Furgeson, Fusee
Gallop, Gamble, Gerhardt, Gibbins, Gibson, Gilroy, Gossell, Governlock,
Grahame, Grant, Green, Greenfield, Greer
Hamilton, Harding, harison, Hartford, Hartley, Hayse, Hazelton, Hely,
Herrell, Hil, Hilton, Hog??th, Hoggins, Holland, Horrigan, Howard, Howatt,
Howden, Hunter
Jackson, Jardine, Jasper, Jeryman, Johnson, Johnston, Jones
Kellington, King, Koyle
Land, Law, Lilsle (?), Lindsay, Little, Logan, Long, Lowdon, Lowe, Ludlow
Mahonie, Manley, Manson, Marriott, Masden, Mathers, Matthews, Mc??naner,
McCaffrey, McCallmy, McCallum, McConaghy, McCrcken, McCullins/McCallum,
McDonal, McDonald, MdDougall, McElveney, McFadden, McGill, McGuire,
McIntosh, McIntyre, McKenzie, McKintosh, McLaughlin, McLean, McNaughton,
McQuarney, McRae, Mitchell, Moore, Morrison, Mossip/Mossifs, Murdoch, Murray,
Murrey, Mutter, Mutton
Pattison, Pearce, Perry, Peters, Phinney, Priestley, Punc
Ralph, Ramsey, Reeve, Reid, Richardson, rintoul, Ritchey, Robinson,
Roe, Rothwell, Rouleau, Rutledge, Ryatt
Samle, Shannon, Shaughnessy, Shorten, Sibbit, Simpson, Skelding, Slater,
Smith, Spence, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stinhouse
Taylor, Thomas, Todd
Van Blarcom, Vance