Sunday, May26, drive to West Hawk for lunch at Night Hawk Cafe meet at
Tim Hortons West at 10:30 am. |
Saturday, July 13 drive to Vermilion Bay for supper at Busters (will need numbers for reservation)
May 31 to June 2 Grand Forks trip |
Sunday, July 28 Drive to West Hawk for lunch |
June 21, 22 and 23 Manitoba Corvette group coming to Kenora |
Sunday, Aug. 11 Drive to Dryden for brunch at Golf Course (should let them know numbers) |
June 24 Week trip to corvette museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky |
Sunday, Aug 25th Car show at Beausejour MB |
Sunday, June 30 Nothing planned. This is long weekend so BBQ at VanWalleghems is cancelled |
Sunday, Sept. 01 lunch in Sioux Narrows |
Monday, July 1 Canada Day Parade in Keewatin. Meet at Keewatin Public School at
12:30. |
Sunday, Sept. 15 lunch at Dryden at Riverview Restaurant (should probably have numbers for
reservation) |
July 5 7 Quad C event in Winnipeg |
July 12 14 - West Hawk Meteor Fest car show |